Index of values

abort_policy [RejectedExecutionHandler]
acquire [Semaphore]
acquire s p acquires p permits from semaphore s, blocking until they are available; see acquire(...).
acquire_uninterruptibly [Semaphore]
acquire_uninterruptibly s p is similar to acquire s p, except that waiting thread cannot be interrupted; see acquireUninterruptibly(...).
active_count [ThreadGroup]
Returns the number of active threads in this group (including children groups); see activeCount(...).
active_group_count [ThreadGroup]
Returns the number of active groups in this group (including children groups); see activeGroupCount(...).
add_and_get [AtomicInt64Array]
add_and_get a i d atomically adds d to the value at index i, and returns the new value.
add_and_get [AtomicInt64]
add_and_get a d atomically adds d to the current value, and returns the new value.
add_and_get [AtomicInt32Array]
add_and_get a i d atomically adds d to the value at index i, and returns the new value.
add_and_get [AtomicInt32]
add_and_get a d atomically adds d to the current value, and returns the new value.
append [ParallelArray.S]
append [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.append.
arrive [Phaser]
Records that a party has arrived to the phaser without waiting for others, returns the phase number (negative if the phaser is terminated); see arrive(...).
arrive_and_await_advance [Phaser]
Records that a party has arrived to the phaser and waits for others, returns the phase number (negative if the phaser is terminated); see arriveAndAwaitAdvance(...).
arrive_and_deregister [Phaser]
Records that a party has arrived to the phaser without waiting for others, deregisters a party, returns the phase number (negative if the phaser is terminated); see arriveAndDeregister(...).
attempt_mark [AtomicMarkableReference]
attempt_mark a e m sets the mark to m if the current value is e.
attempt_stamp [AtomicStampedReference]
attempt_stamp a e s sets the stamp to s if the current value is e.
available_permits [Semaphore]
Returns the number of available permits for the semaphore; see availablePermits(...).
await [CyclicBarrier]
Waits until all threads have reached the barrier; see await(...).
await [CountDownLatch]
Waits until the coutdown reaches zero, without countingdown; see await(...).
await [Condition]
Waits until either the condition is signal, or the current thread is interrupted; see await(...).
await_advance [Phaser]
Waits for the phase number of the phaser to reach the passed value; see awaitAdvance(...).
await_advance_interruptibly [Phaser]
Similar to Phaser.await_advance except that the thread can be interrupted; see awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(...).
await_advance_interruptibly_time [Phaser]
await_advance_interruptibly_time p pn t u is similar to await_advance_interruptibly p pn, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see awaitAdvanceInterruptibly(...).
await_nanos [Condition]
await_nanos c n is similar to await c, except that the current thread will at most wait for n nanoseconds.
await_termination [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Waits for pool termination, waiting at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see awaitTermination(...).
await_termination [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
await_termination [ForkJoinPool]
Waits for pool termination, waiting at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see awaitTermination(...).
await_time [CyclicBarrier]
await_time b t u is similar to await b, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see await(...).
await_time [CountDownLatch]
await_time c t u is similar to await c, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see await(...).
await_time [Condition]
await_time c t u is similar to await c, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u).
await_uninterruptibly [Condition]
Similar to await except that the thread cannot be interrupted; see awaitUninterruptibly(...).
await_until [Condition]
await_until c d waits until the date d is reached.

blit [ParallelArray.S]
blit [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.blit.
bulk_register [Phaser]
bulk_register p n adds n unarrived parties to phaser p; see bulkRegister(...).

caller_runs_policy [RejectedExecutionHandler]
Run the computation in the calling thread; see java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy.
cancel [ScheduledFuture]
Same as Future.cancel.
cancel [Future]
cancel f i attemps to cancel future f, i indicating whether to interrupt the computation if already started.
chunk_size [ParallelArray.OptionalParameters]
The size of chunks for parallel computations.
combine [MapReduce.Computation]
combine operation, turning two values into one for a given key.
compare_and_set [AtomicStampedReference]
compare_and_set a er ur es us atomically sets the value of a to ur and stamp to us if the current value is er and the current stamp is es.
compare_and_set [AtomicReferenceArray]
compare_and_set a i e u atomically sets the value of a at index i to u if the current value is e.
compare_and_set [AtomicReference]
compare_and_set a e u atomically sets the value of a to u if the current value is e.
compare_and_set [AtomicMarkableReference]
compare_and_set a er ur em um atomically sets the value of a to ur and mark to um if the current value is er and the current mark is em.
compare_and_set [AtomicInt64Array]
compare_and_set a i e u atomically sets the value of a at index i to u if the current value is e.
compare_and_set [AtomicInt64]
compare_and_set a e u atomically sets the value of a to u if the current value is e.
compare_and_set [AtomicInt32Array]
compare_and_set a i e u atomically sets the value of a at index i to u if the current value is e.
compare_and_set [AtomicInt32]
compare_and_set a e u atomically sets the value of a to u if the current value is e.
compare_and_set [AtomicBool]
compare_and_set a e u atomically sets the value of a to u if the current value is e.
compare_keys [MapReduce.Computation]
Ordering over keys.
compute [MapReduce.S]
Iterates over the passed stream using pool threads to execute map operations over the various input values, and applies combine operation over values having identical keys as soon as they are available.
concat [ParallelArray.S]
concat [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.concat.
convert [TimeUnit]
convert ~src ~dst x converts the value x from unit src to unit dst; see convert(...)
copy [ParallelArray.S]
copy [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.copy.
count_down [CountDownLatch]
Decrements the count, and then waits for the countdown to reach zero; see countDown(...).
create [ParallelArray.S]
create [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.create.
create_matrix [ParallelArray.S]
create_matrix [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.create_matrix.
current_thread [Thread]
Returns the thread that is currently executing; see currentThread(...).

days [TimeUnit]
Time unit for days.
decrement_and_get [AtomicInt64Array]
Atomically decrements the value at passed index, and returns the new value.
decrement_and_get [AtomicInt64]
Atomically decrements the current value, and returns the new value.
decrement_and_get [AtomicInt32Array]
Atomically decrements the value at passed index, and returns the new value.
decrement_and_get [AtomicInt32]
Atomically decrements the current value, and returns the new value.
default_pool [ParallelArray]
The default pool used for parallel computations, initialized with the number of available (logical) processors.
destroy [ThreadGroup]
Destroys the passed group and all its children groups; see destroy(...).
discard_oldest_policy [RejectedExecutionHandler]
Discard the oldest unstarted computation; see java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy.
discard_policy [RejectedExecutionHandler]
Discard the submitted computation; see java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy.
drain_permits [Semaphore]
Acquires and returns all available permits from the semaphore, returning immediately; see drainPermits(...).

enumerate_groups [ThreadGroup]
Enumerates (recursively by default) the groups in the group by storing them in the passed array, and returning the number of actually stored groups; see enumerate(...).
enumerate_threads [ThreadGroup]
Enumerates (recursively by default) the threads in the group by storing them in the passed array, and returning the number of actually stored threads; see enumerate(...).
exchange [Exchanger]
Waits for another thread to arrive at the same exchange point, and then swaps the values provided by the two threads; see exchange(...).
exchange_time [Exchanger]
exchange_time e x t u is similar to exchange e x, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see exchange(...).
exists [ParallelArray.S]
exists [ParallelArray]
exists ~pool ~chunk_size f a returns true iff there is an element e of a such that f e = true.

fast_sort [ParallelArray.S]
fast_sort [ParallelArray]
Synonym for ParallelArray.sort.
fill [ParallelArray.S]
fill [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.fill.
find [ParallelArray.S]
find [ParallelArray]
find ~pool ~chunk_size f a returns an element e of a such that f e = true, raising Not_found if there is no such element in a.
find_all [ParallelArray.S]
find_all [ParallelArray]
find_all ~pool ~chunk_size f a returns all the elements of a that return true when applied to f, preserving the order of the elements in a.
find_index [ParallelArray.S]
find_index [ParallelArray]
Similar to ParallelArray.find, except that the index is returned.
fold_left [ParallelArray.S]
fold_left [ParallelArray]
Similar to Array.fold_left, except that computations are done in parallel; pool indicates the thread pool to use (defaulting to default_pool), while chunk_size indicates the size of each chunk to be allocated to a thread.
fold_right [ParallelArray.S]
fold_right [ParallelArray]
Similar to Array.fold_right, except that computations are done in parallel; pool indicates the thread pool to use (defaulting to default_pool), while chunk_size indicates the size of each chunk to be allocated to a thread.
for_all [ParallelArray.S]
for_all [ParallelArray]
for_all ~pool ~chunk_size f a returns true iff there is no element e of a such that f e = false.
force_termination [Phaser]
Forces termination of the phaser, includind children phasers; see forceTermination(...).

get [ThreadLocal]
Returns the value of the thread-local variable for the current thread; see get(...).
get [ScheduledFuture]
Same as Future.get.
get [ParallelArray.S]
get [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.get.
get [Future]
Waits for the computation to complete, and returns its result; see get(...).
get [AtomicStampedReference]
Returns the current value and stamp.
get [AtomicReferenceArray]
Returns the value at passed index.
get [AtomicReference]
Returns the current value.
get [AtomicMarkableReference]
Returns the current value and mark.
get [AtomicInt64Array]
Returns the value at passed index.
get [AtomicInt64]
Returns the current value.
get [AtomicInt32Array]
Returns the value at passed index.
get [AtomicInt32]
Returns the current value.
get [AtomicBool]
Returns the current value.
get_active_count [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Returns an estimate of the number of active threads in the pool; see getActiveCount(...).
get_active_count [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
get_active_thread_count [ForkJoinPool]
Returns an estimate of the number of active threads in the pool; see getActiveThreadCount(...).
get_and_add [AtomicInt64Array]
get_and_add a i d atomically adds d to the value at index i, and returns the previous value.
get_and_add [AtomicInt64]
get_and_add a d atomically adds d to the current value, and returns the previous value.
get_and_add [AtomicInt32Array]
get_and_add a i d atomically adds d to the value at index i, and returns the previous value.
get_and_add [AtomicInt32]
get_and_add a d atomically adds d to the current value, and returns the previous value.
get_and_decrement [AtomicInt64Array]
Atomically decrements the value at passed index, and returns the previous value.
get_and_decrement [AtomicInt64]
Atomically decrements the current value, and returns the previous value.
get_and_decrement [AtomicInt32Array]
Atomically decrements the value at passed index, and returns the previous value.
get_and_decrement [AtomicInt32]
Atomically decrements the current value, and returns the previous value.
get_and_increment [AtomicInt64Array]
Atomically increments the value at passed index, and returns the previous value.
get_and_increment [AtomicInt64]
Atomically increments the current value, and returns the previous value.
get_and_increment [AtomicInt32Array]
Atomically increments the value at passed index, and returns the previous value.
get_and_increment [AtomicInt32]
Atomically increments the current value, and returns the previous value.
get_and_set [AtomicReferenceArray]
get_and_set a i x atomically sets the value of a at index i to x, and returns the previous value.
get_and_set [AtomicReference]
get_and_set a x atomically sets the value of a to x, and returns the previous value.
get_and_set [AtomicInt64Array]
get_and_set a i x atomically sets the value of a at index i to x, and returns the previous value.
get_and_set [AtomicInt64]
get_and_set a x atomically sets the value of a to x, and returns the previous value.
get_and_set [AtomicInt32Array]
get_and_set a i x atomically sets the value of a at index i to x, and returns the previous value.
get_and_set [AtomicInt32]
get_and_set a x atomically sets the value of a to x, and returns the previous value.
get_and_set [AtomicBool]
get_and_set a x atomically sets the value of a to x, and returns the previous value.
get_arrived_parties [Phaser]
Returns the number of registered parties that have arrived to the phaser; see getArrivedParties(...).
get_async_mode [ForkJoinPool]
Returns the asynchronous mode of the pool; see getAsyncMode(...).
get_completed_task_count [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Returns an estimate of the number of completed computations in the pool; see getCompletedTaskCount(...).
get_completed_task_count [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
get_continue_existing_periodic_tasks_after_shutdown_policy [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
Tests whether periodic tasks should continue execution after shutdown; see getContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(...).
get_core_pool_size [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Returns the core size of the pool; see getCorePoolSize(...).
get_core_pool_size [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
get_count [CountDownLatch]
Returns the current count; see getCount(...).
get_delay [ScheduledFuture]
Returns the remaining delay for the computation, in the passed time unit; see getDelay(...).
get_execute_existing_delayed_tasks_after_shutdown_policy [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
Tests whether delayed tasks should continue execution after shutdown; see getExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(...).
get_id [Thread]
Returns the thread identifier.
get_keep_alive_time [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Returns the keep alive time for thread outside of the core; see getKeepAliveTime(...).
get_keep_alive_time [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
get_largest_pool_size [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Returns the largest size reached by the pool; see getLargestPoolSize(...).
get_largest_pool_size [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
get_max_priority [ThreadGroup]
Returns the maximum priority of the group; see getMaxPriority(...).
get_maximum_pool_size [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Returns the maximum size of the pool; see getMaximumPoolSize(...).
get_maximum_pool_size [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
get_name [ThreadGroup]
Returns the name of the group; see getName(...).
get_name [Thread]
Returns the name of the thread; see getName(...).
get_number_waiting [CyclicBarrier]
Returns the number of threads currently waiting on the barrier; see getNumberWaiting(...).
get_parallelism [ForkJoinPool]
Returns the parallelism of the pool; see getParallelism(...).
get_parent [ThreadGroup]
Returns the parent of the group, null if no such group exists; see getParent(...).
get_parent [Phaser]
Returns the parent of the phaser; see getParent(...).
get_parties [CyclicBarrier]
Returns the number of threads to be waited on the barrier; see getParties(...).
get_phase [Phaser]
Returns the phase number; see getPhase(...).
get_pool_size [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Returns an estimate of the current pool size; see getPoolSize(...).
get_pool_size [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
get_pool_size [ForkJoinPool]
Returns the number of threads that have started and not terminated in the pool; see getPoolSize(...).
get_priority [Thread]
Returns the priority of the thread; see getPriority(...).
get_queue_length [Semaphore]
Returns an estimate of the number of threads waiting on the semaphore to acquire permits; see getQueueLength(...).
get_queued_submission_count [ForkJoinPool]
Returns an estimate of the number of tasks submitted (but unstarted) to the pool; see getQueuedSubmissionCount(...).
get_queued_task_count [ForkJoinPool]
Returns an estimate of the number of tasks currently queued in the pool; see getQueuedTaskCount(...).
get_reference [AtomicStampedReference]
Returns the current value.
get_reference [AtomicMarkableReference]
Returns the current value.
get_registered_parties [Phaser]
Returns the number of registered parties; see getRegisteredParties(...).
get_rejected_execution_handler [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Returns the policy for blocked computations; see getRejectedExecutionHandler(...).
get_rejected_execution_handler [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
get_remove_on_cancel_policy [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
Tests whether tasks should be removed when cancelled; see getRemoveOnCancelPolicy(...).
get_root [Phaser]
Returns the root that can be reached from the phaser by recursively visiting parents.
get_running_thread_count [ForkJoinPool]
Returns an estimate of the number of threads in the pool; see getRunningThreadCount(...).
get_stamp [AtomicStampedReference]
Returns the current stamp.
get_state [Thread]
Returns the state of the thread; see getState(...).
get_steal_count [ForkJoinPool]
Returns an estimate of the number of tasks stolen from one thread by another one in the pool; see getStealCount(...).
get_task_count [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Returns an estimate of number of task that have been submitted for execution; see getTaskCount(...).
get_task_count [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
get_thread_group [Thread]
Returns the group of the thread, None if the thread has terminated its execution; see getThreadGroup(...).
get_time [ScheduledFuture]
Same as Future.get_time.
get_time [Future]
get_time f t u is similar to get f, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see get(...).
get_unarrived_parties [Phaser]
Returns the number of registered parties that have not yet arrived to the phaser; see getUnarrivedParties(...).

has_queued_submissions [ForkJoinPool]
Tests whether there are submitted but unstarted tasks in the pool; see hasQueuedSubmissions(...).
has_queued_threads [Semaphore]
Tests whether there are threads waiting on the semaphore to acquire permits; see hasQueuedThreads(...).
hours [TimeUnit]
Time unit for hours.

increment_and_get [AtomicInt64Array]
Atomically increments the value at passed index, and returns the new value.
increment_and_get [AtomicInt64]
Atomically increments the current value, and returns the new value.
increment_and_get [AtomicInt32Array]
Atomically increments the value at passed index, and returns the new value.
increment_and_get [AtomicInt32]
Atomically increments the current value, and returns the new value.
init [ParallelArray.S]
init [ParallelArray]
Similar to Array.init, except that computations are done in parallel; pool indicates the thread pool to use (defaulting to default_pool), while chunk_size indicates the size of each chunk to be allocated to a thread.
interrupt [ThreadGroup]
Interrupts all thread in the group (including children groups); see interrupt(...).
interrupt [Thread]
Interrupts the thread; see interrupt(...).
interrupted [Thread]
Tests whether the current thread has been interrupted, and sets its interrupted status to false; see interrupted(...).
invoke_all [ThreadPoolExecutor]
invoke_all p l submits all functions from l to pool p, and then waits for the completion of all functions.
invoke_all [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
invoke_all_time [ThreadPoolExecutor]
invoke_all_time p l t u is similar to invoke_all p l, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u).
invoke_all_time [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
invoke_any [ThreadPoolExecutor]
invoke_any p l submits all function from l to pool p, and then waits for the completion of a function.
invoke_any [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
invoke_any_time [ThreadPoolExecutor]
invoke_any_time p l t u is similar to invoke_any p l, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u).
invoke_any_time [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
is_alive [Thread]
Tests whether the thread has started and not terminated; see isAlive(...).
is_broken [CyclicBarrier]
Tests whether the barrier is broken.
is_cancelled [ScheduledFuture]
is_cancelled [Future]
Tests whether the task was cancelled before completion; see isCancelled(...).
is_daemon [ThreadGroup]
Tests whether the group is a daemon one; see isDaemon(...).
is_daemon [Thread]
Tests whether the thread is a daemon one; see isDaemon(...).
is_destroyed [ThreadGroup]
Tests whether the group has been destroyed; see isDestroyed(...).
is_done [ScheduledFuture]
Same as Future.is_done.
is_done [Future]
Tests whether the computation is completed; see isDone(...).
is_fair [Semaphore]
Tests whether the semaphore uses a fair policy; see isFair(...).
is_interrupted [Thread]
Tests whether the thread has been interrupted; see isInterrupted(...).
is_marked [AtomicMarkableReference]
Returns the current mark.
is_not_null [ThreadPoolExecutor]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [ThreadLocal]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [ThreadGroup]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [Thread]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [Semaphore]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [ScheduledFuture]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [ReadWriteLock]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [Phaser]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [Lock]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [Future]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [ForkJoinPool]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [ExecutorCompletionService]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [Exchanger]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [CyclicBarrier]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [CountDownLatch]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [Condition]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [AtomicStampedReference]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [AtomicReferenceArray]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [AtomicReference]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [AtomicMarkableReference]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [AtomicInt64Array]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [AtomicInt64]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [AtomicInt32Array]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [AtomicInt32]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_not_null [AtomicBool]
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [ThreadPoolExecutor]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [ThreadLocal]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [ThreadGroup]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [Thread]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [Semaphore]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [ScheduledFuture]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [ReadWriteLock]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [Phaser]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [Lock]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [Future]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [ForkJoinPool]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [ExecutorCompletionService]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [Exchanger]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [CyclicBarrier]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [CountDownLatch]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [Condition]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [AtomicStampedReference]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [AtomicReferenceArray]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [AtomicReference]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [AtomicMarkableReference]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [AtomicInt64Array]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [AtomicInt64]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [AtomicInt32Array]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [AtomicInt32]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_null [AtomicBool]
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
is_quiescent [ForkJoinPool]
Tests whether all threads in the pool are idle; see isQuiescent(...).
is_shutdown [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Tests whether the pool has been shutdown; see isShutdown(...).
is_shutdown [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
is_shutdown [ForkJoinPool]
Tests whether the pool has been shutdown; see isShutdown(...).
is_terminated [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Tests whether the pool has been terminated; see isTerminated(...).
is_terminated [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
is_terminated [Phaser]
Tests whether the phaser has been terminated; see isTerminated(...).
is_terminated [ForkJoinPool]
Tests whether shutdown is completed (including all tasks); see isTerminated(...).
is_terminating [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Tests whether the pool is in the process of terminating; see isTerminating(...).
is_terminating [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
is_terminating [ForkJoinPool]
Tests whether the pool is in the process shutdowning; see isTerminating(...).
iter [ParallelArray.S]
iter [ParallelArray]
Similar to Array.iter, except that computations are done in parallel; pool indicates the thread pool to use (defaulting to default_pool), while chunk_size indicates the size of each chunk to be allocated to a thread.
iteri [ParallelArray.S]
iteri [ParallelArray]
Similar to Array.iteri, except that computations are done in parallel; pool indicates the thread pool to use (defaulting to default_pool), while chunk_size indicates the size of each chunk to be allocated to a thread.

join [Thread]
Waits for the termination of the passed thread; see join(...).
join_time [Thread]
join_time t m is similar to join t, except that the current thread will at most wait for m milliseconds; see join(...).
join_time_nanos [Thread]
join_time t m n is similar to join t, except that the current thread will at most wait for m milliseconds plus n nanoseconds; see join(...).

lazy_set [AtomicReferenceArray]
lazy_set a i x eventually sets the value of a at index i to x.
lazy_set [AtomicReference]
lazy_set a x eventually sets the value of a to x.
lazy_set [AtomicInt64Array]
lazy_set a i x eventually sets the value of a at index i to x.
lazy_set [AtomicInt64]
lazy_set a x eventually sets the value of a to x.
lazy_set [AtomicInt32Array]
lazy_set a i x eventually sets the value of a at index i to x.
lazy_set [AtomicInt32]
lazy_set a x eventually sets the value of a to x.
lazy_set [AtomicBool]
lazy_set a x eventually sets the value of a to x.
length [ParallelArray.S]
length [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.length.
length [AtomicReferenceArray]
Returns the length of the array.
length [AtomicInt64Array]
Returns the length of the array.
length [AtomicInt32Array]
Returns the length of the array.
lock [Lock]
Acquires the lock.
lock_interruptibly [Lock]
Similar to Lock.lock, except that some other thread may interrupt the current thread while blocked; see lockInterruptibly(...).

make [ThreadPoolExecutor]
make core_pool_size:cps max_pool_size:mps kat u reh returns a new thread pool with: cps as its core pool size (number of threads kept in the pool, even if idle);, mps as its maximum pool size (maximum number of threads in the pool);, kat keep alive time (how long to keep alive idle threads not in the core);, u time unit for kat;, reh policy for blocked computations.
make [ThreadLocal]
Returns a new thread-local variable whose initial value in each thread is the passed value; see ThreadLocal(...) and initialValue(...).
make [ThreadGroup]
Returns a new group with optional parent, and name; see ThreadGroup(...).
make [Thread]
make g n f x returns a new thread in group g with name n.
make [Semaphore]
make ~fair:f p returns a new semaphore with p permits, f indicating whether a fair ordering policy is requested (defaulting to false); see Semaphore(...).
make [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
make core_pool_size:cps reh returns a new thread pool with: cps as its core pool size (number of threads kept in the pool, even if idle);, reh policy for blocked computations.
make [Phaser]
make ~parent:p ~parties:n returns a new phaser with parent p (defaulting to null), and number of parties n (defaulting to 0l); see Phaser(...).
make [ParallelArray.S]
make [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.make.
make [ForkJoinPool]
make parallelism:p async returns a new thread pool with parallelism p (target number of active threads in pool).
make [ExecutorCompletionService]
Returns a new completion service based on the passed thread pool; see ExecutorCompletionService(...).
make [Exchanger]
Returns a new exchanger; see Exchanger(...).
make [CyclicBarrier]
make n returns a barrier waiting for n threads; see CyclicBarrier(...).
make [CountDownLatch]
make n returns a countdown latch waiting for n threads; see CountDownLatch(...).
make [AtomicStampedReference]
Returns a new container holding the passed value, with the passed stamp.
make [AtomicReferenceArray]
Returns a new container holding an array of passed length.
make [AtomicReference]
Returns a new container holding the passed value.
make [AtomicMarkableReference]
Returns a new container holding the passed value, with the passed mark.
make [AtomicInt64Array]
Returns a new container holding an array of passed length.
make [AtomicInt64]
Returns a new container holding the passed value.
make [AtomicInt32Array]
Returns a new container holding an array of passed length.
make [AtomicInt32]
Returns a new container holding the passed value.
make [AtomicBool]
Returns a new container holding the passed value.
make_matrix [ParallelArray.S]
make_matrix [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.make_matrix.
make_reentrant [ReadWriteLock]
Returns a new read/write lock, whose read and write locks are reentrant, the parameter indicates whether a fair ordering policy is requested (defaulting to false); see ReentrantReadWriteLock(...).
make_reentrant [Lock]
Returns a new reentrant lock, the parameter indicates whether a fair ordering policy is requested (defaulting to false); see ReentrantLock(...).
map [ParallelArray.S]
map [ParallelArray]
Similar to, except that computations are done in parallel; pool indicates the thread pool to use (defaulting to default_pool), while chunk_size indicates the size of each chunk to be allocated to a thread.
map [MapReduce.Computation]
map operation, turning an input value into a list of key/value couples.
mapi [ParallelArray.S]
mapi [ParallelArray]
Similar to Array.mapi, except that computations are done in parallel; pool indicates the thread pool to use (defaulting to default_pool), while chunk_size indicates the size of each chunk to be allocated to a thread.
max_priority [Thread]
The maximum priority for a thread; see java.lang.Thread#MAX_PRIORITY.
mem [ParallelArray.S]
mem [ParallelArray]
mem ~pool ~chunk_size x a returns true iff there is an element e of a such that e = x.
memq [ParallelArray.S]
memq [ParallelArray]
memq ~pool ~chunk_size x a returns true iff there is an element e of a such that e == x.
microseconds [TimeUnit]
Time unit for microseconds.
milliseconds [TimeUnit]
Time unit for milliseconds.
min_priority [Thread]
The minimum priority for a thread; see java.lang.Thread#MIN_PRIORITY.
minutes [TimeUnit]
Time unit for minutes.

nanoseconds [TimeUnit]
Time unit for nanoseconds.
new_condition [Lock]
Returns a new condition associated with the passed lock; see newCondition(...).
norm_priority [Thread]
The normal (i.
null [ThreadPoolExecutor]
The null value.
null [ThreadLocal]
The null value.
null [ThreadGroup]
The null value.
null [Thread]
The null value.
null [Semaphore]
The null value.
null [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
The null value.
null [ScheduledFuture]
The null value.
null [ReadWriteLock]
The null value.
null [Phaser]
The null value.
null [Lock]
The null value.
null [Future]
The null value.
null [ForkJoinPool]
The null value.
null [ExecutorCompletionService]
The null value.
null [Exchanger]
The null value.
null [CyclicBarrier]
The null value.
null [CountDownLatch]
The null value.
null [Condition]
The null value.
null [AtomicStampedReference]
The null value.
null [AtomicReferenceArray]
The null value.
null [AtomicReference]
The null value.
null [AtomicMarkableReference]
The null value.
null [AtomicInt64Array]
The null value.
null [AtomicInt64]
The null value.
null [AtomicInt32Array]
The null value.
null [AtomicInt32]
The null value.
null [AtomicBool]
The null value.

of_list [ParallelArray.S]
of_list [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.of_list.

parent_of [ThreadGroup]
parent_of p c tests whether p is an ancestor of c; see parentOf(...).
poll [ExecutorCompletionService]
Returns (and removes from the service) a completed task if any, or returns None; see poll(...).
poll_time [ExecutorCompletionService]
poll_time s t u is similar to pool s, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see poll(...).
pool [ParallelArray.OptionalParameters]
The pool to be used for parallel computations.

read_lock [ReadWriteLock]
Returns the read lock of the read/write lock; see readLock(...).
reduce [MapReduce.Computation]
reduce operation, folding over all key/value couple in order to produce the final result.
ref [STM]
Builds a value of type ref, that can then only be accessed during a transaction.
register [Phaser]
Adds a new unarrived party to the phaser, and returns the current phase number; see register(...).
release [Semaphore]
release s p releases p permits from semaphore s; see release(...).
remove [ThreadLocal]
Removes the value of the thread-local variable for the current thread.
reset [CyclicBarrier]
Resets the barrier to its original state.
run [STM]
run ~retries f executes the function f inside a newly-created transaction.
run_read_only [STM]
Akin to, but with a smaller overhead due to the fact that the transaction is guaranteed to only read values.

schedule [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
schedule p f x t u is similar to submit p f x, except that the evaluation of f x with start after t (time value whose unit is u).
schedule_at_fixed_rate [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
schedule_at_fixed_rate p f x t d u is similar to schedule p f x t u, except that f x will be re-evaluated at t + d, t + 2 * d, etc.
schedule_with_fixed_delay [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
schedule_with_fixed_delay p f x t d u is similar to schedule p f x t u, except that f x will be repeatedly re-evaluated, respecting a delay of d between the end of one execution and the beginning of the next one.
seconds [TimeUnit]
Time unit for seconds.
set [ThreadLocal]
Modifies the value of the thread-local variable for the current thread; see set(...).
set [ParallelArray.S]
set [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.set.
set [AtomicStampedReference]
set a x s sets the value of a to x, and the stamp to s.
set [AtomicReferenceArray]
set a i x sets the value of a at index i to x.
set [AtomicReference]
set a x sets the value of a to x.
set [AtomicMarkableReference]
set a x m sets the value of a to x, and the mark to m.
set [AtomicInt64Array]
set a i x sets the value of a at index i to x.
set [AtomicInt64]
set a x sets the value of a to x.
set [AtomicInt32Array]
set a i x sets the value of a at index i to x.
set [AtomicInt32]
set a x sets the value of a to x.
set [AtomicBool]
set a x sets the value of a to x.
set_continue_existing_periodic_tasks_after_shutdown_policy [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
Changes whether periodic tasks should continue execution after shutdown; see setContinueExistingPeriodicTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(...).
set_core_pool_size [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Changes the core size of the pool (number of threads kept in the pool, even if idle); see setCorePoolSize(...).
set_core_pool_size [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
set_daemon [ThreadGroup]
Sets the daemon status of the group.
set_daemon [Thread]
Changes the daemon status of the thread; see setDaemon(...).
set_execute_existing_delayed_tasks_after_shutdown_policy [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
changes whether delayed tasks should continue execution after shutdown; see setExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(...).
set_keep_alive_time [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Changes the keep alive time (how long to keep alive idle threads not in the core); see setKeepAliveTime(...).
set_keep_alive_time [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
set_max_priority [ThreadGroup]
Sets the maximum priority of the group; see setMaxPriority(...).
set_maximum_pool_size [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Changes the maximum pool size (maximum number of threads in the pool); see setMaximumPoolSize(...).
set_maximum_pool_size [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
set_name [Thread]
Changes the name of the thread; see setName(...).
set_priority [Thread]
Changes the priority of the thread; see setPriority(...).
set_rejected_execution_handler [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Changes the policy for blocked computations; see setRejectedExecutionHandler(...).
set_rejected_execution_handler [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
set_remove_on_cancel_policy [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
Changes whether tasks should be removed when cancelled.
shutdown [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Begins a shutdown, executing all submitted tasks, but refusing new tasks; see shutdown(...).
shutdown [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
shutdown [ForkJoinPool]
Begins a shutdown, executing all submitted tasks, but refusing new tasks; see shutdown(...).
shutdown_now [ThreadPoolExecutor]
Begins a shhutdown by cancelling all submitted tasks, and cancelling running tasks; see shutdownNow(...).
shutdown_now [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
shutdown_now [ParallelArray]
Shutdowns default_pool.
shutdown_now [ForkJoinPool]
Begins a shhutdown by cancelling all submitted tasks, and cancelling running tasks; see shutdownNow(...).
signal [Condition]
Signals the condition, unblocking one waiting thread; see signal(...).
signal_all [Condition]
Signals the condition, unblocking all waiting threads; see signalAll(...).
sleep [Thread]
sleep m waits for m milliseconds; see sleep(...).
sleep_nanos [Thread]
sleep m n waits for m milliseconds plus n nanoseconds; see sleep(...).
sort [ParallelArray.S]
sort [ParallelArray]
Similar to Array.sort, except that computations are done in parallel; pool indicates the thread pool to use (defaulting to default_pool), while chunk_size indicates the size of each chunk to be allocated to a thread.
split [ForkJoin]
split pool fork join f x computes f x by leveraging multiple threads from pool.
split_array [ForkJoin]
split_array pool fork join f x is similar to split pool fork join f x, except that the fork function can generate more than two sub-computations.
split_list [ForkJoin]
split_list pool fork join f x is similar to split pool fork join f x, except that the fork function can generate more than two sub-computations.
stable_sort [ParallelArray.S]
stable_sort [ParallelArray]
Synonym for ParallelArray.sort.
start [Thread]
Starts the execution of the thread; see start(...).
sub [ParallelArray.S]
sub [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.sub.
submit [ThreadPoolExecutor]
submit p f x submits to p and returns a future computing f x.
submit [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
submit [ExecutorCompletionService]

take [ExecutorCompletionService]
Waits for a task to complete, and returns it; see take(...).
to_list [ParallelArray.S]
to_list [ParallelArray]
Synonym for Array.to_list.
try_acquire [Semaphore]
try_acquire s p is similar to acquire s p, except the function always returns immediately returning true if acquisition was successful; see tryAcquire(...).
try_acquire_time [Semaphore]
try_acquire_time s p t u is similar to try_acquire s p, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see tryAcquire(...).
try_lock [Lock]
Acquires the lock if available, returning true.
try_lock_time [Lock]
try_lock_time l t u is similar to lock_interruptibly l, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u).

unlock [Lock]
Releases the lock; see unlock(...).
unsafe_get [ParallelArray.S]
unsafe_set [ParallelArray.S]
unwrap [ThreadPoolExecutor]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [ThreadLocal]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [ThreadGroup]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [Thread]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [Semaphore]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [ScheduledFuture]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [ReadWriteLock]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [Phaser]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [Lock]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [Future]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [ForkJoinPool]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [ExecutorCompletionService]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [Exchanger]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [CyclicBarrier]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [CountDownLatch]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [Condition]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [AtomicStampedReference]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [AtomicReferenceArray]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [AtomicReference]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [AtomicMarkableReference]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [AtomicInt64Array]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [AtomicInt64]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [AtomicInt32Array]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [AtomicInt32]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.
unwrap [AtomicBool]
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference: Some x is mapped to x;, None is mapped to null.

weak_compare_and_set [AtomicStampedReference]
Similar to AtomicStampedReference.compare_and_set, with a weak semantics: may be faster on some platforms, but does not provide ordering guarantees.
weak_compare_and_set [AtomicReferenceArray]
Similar to AtomicReferenceArray.compare_and_set, with a weak semantics: may be faster on some platforms, but does not provide ordering guarantees.
weak_compare_and_set [AtomicReference]
Similar to AtomicReference.compare_and_set, with a weak semantics: may be faster on some platforms, but does not provide ordering guarantees.
weak_compare_and_set [AtomicMarkableReference]
Similar to AtomicMarkableReference.compare_and_set, with a weak semantics: may be faster on some platforms, but does not provide ordering guarantees.
weak_compare_and_set [AtomicInt64Array]
Similar to AtomicInt64Array.compare_and_set, with a weak semantics: may be faster on some platforms, but does not provide ordering guarantees.
weak_compare_and_set [AtomicInt64]
Similar to AtomicInt64.compare_and_set, with a weak semantics: may be faster on some platforms, but does not provide ordering guarantees.
weak_compare_and_set [AtomicInt32Array]
Similar to AtomicInt32Array.compare_and_set, with a weak semantics: may be faster on some platforms, but does not provide ordering guarantees.
weak_compare_and_set [AtomicInt32]
Similar to AtomicInt32.compare_and_set, with a weak semantics: may be faster on some platforms, but does not provide ordering guarantees.
weak_compare_and_set [AtomicBool]
Similar to AtomicBool.compare_and_set, with a weak semantics: may be faster on some platforms, but does not provide ordering guarantees.
wrap [ThreadPoolExecutor]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [ThreadLocal]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [ThreadGroup]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [Thread]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [Semaphore]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [ScheduledFuture]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [ReadWriteLock]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [Phaser]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [Lock]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [Future]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [ForkJoinPool]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [ExecutorCompletionService]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [Exchanger]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [CyclicBarrier]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [CountDownLatch]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [Condition]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [AtomicStampedReference]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [AtomicReferenceArray]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [AtomicReference]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [AtomicMarkableReference]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [AtomicInt64Array]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [AtomicInt64]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [AtomicInt32Array]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [AtomicInt32]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
wrap [AtomicBool]
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type: Some x if obj is not null;, None if obj is null.
write_lock [ReadWriteLock]
Returns the write lock of the read/write lock; see writeLock(...).

yield [Thread]
Indicates that the current thread wants to yield its use of a processor; see yield(...).