Module ThreadPoolExecutor

module ThreadPoolExecutor: sig .. end
Thread pools for futures.

type t = java'util'concurrent'ThreadPoolExecutor java_instance
The type of thread pools to be used for futures.
val make : core_pool_size:java_int ->
max_pool_size:java_int ->
java_long -> TimeUnit.t -> RejectedExecutionHandler.t -> t
make core_pool_size:cps max_pool_size:mps kat u reh returns a new thread pool with:
  • cps as its core pool size (number of threads kept in the pool, even if idle);
  • mps as its maximum pool size (maximum number of threads in the pool);
  • kat keep alive time (how long to keep alive idle threads not in the core);
  • u time unit for kat;
  • reh policy for blocked computations.

Raises Java_exception if a size is negative
val await_termination : t -> java_long -> TimeUnit.t -> bool
Waits for pool termination, waiting at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u); see awaitTermination(...).
Raises Java_exception if the thread is interrupted
val get_active_count : t -> java_int
Returns an estimate of the number of active threads in the pool; see getActiveCount(...).
val get_completed_task_count : t -> java_long
Returns an estimate of the number of completed computations in the pool; see getCompletedTaskCount(...).
val get_core_pool_size : t -> java_int
Returns the core size of the pool; see getCorePoolSize(...).
val get_keep_alive_time : t -> TimeUnit.t -> java_long
Returns the keep alive time for thread outside of the core; see getKeepAliveTime(...).
val get_largest_pool_size : t -> java_int
Returns the largest size reached by the pool; see getLargestPoolSize(...).
val get_maximum_pool_size : t -> java_int
Returns the maximum size of the pool; see getMaximumPoolSize(...).
val get_pool_size : t -> java_int
Returns an estimate of the current pool size; see getPoolSize(...).
val get_rejected_execution_handler : t -> RejectedExecutionHandler.t
Returns the policy for blocked computations; see getRejectedExecutionHandler(...).
val get_task_count : t -> java_long
Returns an estimate of number of task that have been submitted for execution; see getTaskCount(...).
val invoke_all : t -> (unit -> 'a) list -> 'a Future.t list
invoke_all p l submits all functions from l to pool p, and then waits for the completion of all functions. Returns the list of created futures; it is guaranteed that all futures have completed.
Raises Java_exception if the thread is interrupted
val invoke_all_time : t ->
(unit -> 'a) list -> java_long -> TimeUnit.t -> 'a Future.t list
invoke_all_time p l t u is similar to invoke_all p l, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u).
Raises Java_exception if the thread is interrupted
val invoke_any : t -> (unit -> 'a) list -> 'a
invoke_any p l submits all function from l to pool p, and then waits for the completion of a function. Returns the value computed by the first function completing its execution.
  • Java_exception if the thread is interrupted
  • Java_exception if no function completes without raising an exception
val invoke_any_time : t -> (unit -> 'a) list -> java_long -> TimeUnit.t -> 'a
invoke_any_time p l t u is similar to invoke_any p l, except that the current thread will at most wait for t (time value whose unit is u).
  • Java_exception if the thread is interrupted
  • Java_exception f time has elapsed without any function completing its execution
  • Java_exception if no function completes without raising an exception
val is_shutdown : t -> bool
Tests whether the pool has been shutdown; see isShutdown(...).
val is_terminated : t -> bool
Tests whether the pool has been terminated; see isTerminated(...).
val is_terminating : t -> bool
Tests whether the pool is in the process of terminating; see isTerminating(...).
val set_core_pool_size : t -> java_int -> unit
Changes the core size of the pool (number of threads kept in the pool, even if idle); see setCorePoolSize(...).
val set_keep_alive_time : t -> java_long -> TimeUnit.t -> unit
Changes the keep alive time (how long to keep alive idle threads not in the core); see setKeepAliveTime(...).
val set_maximum_pool_size : t -> java_int -> unit
Changes the maximum pool size (maximum number of threads in the pool); see setMaximumPoolSize(...).
val set_rejected_execution_handler : t -> RejectedExecutionHandler.t -> unit
Changes the policy for blocked computations; see setRejectedExecutionHandler(...).
val shutdown : t -> unit
Begins a shutdown, executing all submitted tasks, but refusing new tasks; see shutdown(...).
val shutdown_now : t -> 'a Future.t list
Begins a shhutdown by cancelling all submitted tasks, and cancelling running tasks; see shutdownNow(...).
val submit : t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b Future.t
submit p f x submits to p and returns a future computing f x.
Raises Java_exception if pool limits are reached

Null value

val null : t
The null value.
val is_null : t -> bool
is_null obj returns true iff obj is equal to null.
val is_not_null : t -> bool
is_not_null obj returns false iff obj is equal to null.


val wrap : t -> t option
wrap obj wraps the reference obj into an option type:
  • Some x if obj is not null;
  • None if obj is null.

val unwrap : t option -> t
unwrap obj unwraps the option obj into a bare reference:
  • Some x is mapped to x;
  • None is mapped to null.