Index of types

index [AtomicReferenceArray]
The type of array indices.
index [AtomicInt64Array]
The type of array indices.
index [AtomicInt32Array]
The type of array indices.
input [MapReduce.Computation]
The type of input values.
input [MapReduce.S]
The type of input values.

key [MapReduce.Computation]
The type of keys.

mark [AtomicMarkableReference]
The type of marks.

output [MapReduce.Computation]
The type of output values.
output [MapReduce.S]
The type of output values.

ref [STM]
The type of values protected by transactions, should store only immutable values.

stamp [AtomicStampedReference]
The type of stamps.
state [Thread]
The type of thread states; see java.lang.Thread.State.

t [TimeUnit]
The type of units used to express durations (e.g.
t [ThreadPoolExecutor]
The type of thread pools to be used for futures.
t [ThreadLocal]
The type of thread-local variables, providing an independent value to each thread.
t [ThreadGroup]
The type of thread groups, that are sets of threads organized into a hierarchy (every group except the initial one has a parent).
t [Thread]
The type of threads.
t [Semaphore]
The type of semaphores, each maintaining a set of available permits.
t [ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor]
The type of thread pools to be used for scheduled futures.
t [ScheduledFuture]
The type of futures, that are computations run in background with a delay.
t [RejectedExecutionHandler]
The type of policies for blocked executions, that is when thread and queue bounds have been reached.
t [ReadWriteLock]
The type of read/write locks that are indeed peirs of associated locks where the read lock can be held simultaneously by any number of threads as long as the write lock is available, while the write lock can be help by at most one thread at a time.
t [Phaser]
The type of phasers, differing from coutdown latches and cyclic barriers by the fact that parties explicitly register.
t [Lock]
The type of (reentrant) locks.
t [Future]
The type of futures, that are computations run in background.
t [ForkJoinPool]
The type of thread pools to be used for fork/join computations.
t [ExecutorCompletionService]
The type of completion services, providing utilities to wait for future completions.
t [Exchanger]
The type of exchangers, allowing two threads to swap values.
t [CyclicBarrier]
The type of cyclic barriers, that are barriers possibly re-used once all waiting threads have restarted.
t [CountDownLatch]
The type of countdown latches, that are barrier-like synchronization entities.
t [Condition]
The type of conditions, constructed from Lock values.
t [AtomicStampedReference]
The type of atomic containers for stamped values.
t [AtomicReferenceArray]
The type of atomic containers for arrays values.
t [AtomicReference]
The type of atomic containers for values.
t [AtomicMarkableReference]
The type of atomic containers for markable values.
t [AtomicInt64Array]
The type of atomic containers for arrays of int64 values.
t [AtomicInt64]
The type of atomic containers for int64 values.
t [AtomicInt32Array]
The type of atomic containers for arrays of int32 values.
t [AtomicInt32]
The type of atomic containers for int32 values.
t [AtomicBool]
The type of atomic containers for bool values.

value [MapReduce.Computation]
The type of values.