Module type JavaServlet.HTTP

module type HTTP = sig .. end
The module type for servlets compiled with -servlet http.

type t
The type of values stored by servlets.
val init : JavaServlet.http -> t
Initializes a new servlet by returning its value (the function is executed by init(...)).
val do_delete : t ->
JavaServlet.http ->
JavaServlet.http_request -> JavaServlet.http_response -> unit
do_delete v inst req resp handles the DELETE request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v). The parameter resp is used to send the response.
val do_get : t ->
JavaServlet.http ->
JavaServlet.http_request -> JavaServlet.http_response -> unit
do_get v inst req resp handles the GET request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v). The parameter resp is used to send the response.
val do_head : t ->
JavaServlet.http ->
JavaServlet.http_request -> JavaServlet.http_response -> unit
do_head v inst req resp handles the HEAD request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v). The parameter resp is used to send the response.
val do_options : t ->
JavaServlet.http ->
JavaServlet.http_request -> JavaServlet.http_response -> unit
do_options v inst req resp handles the OPTIONS request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v). The parameter resp is used to send the response.
val do_post : t ->
JavaServlet.http ->
JavaServlet.http_request -> JavaServlet.http_response -> unit
do_post v inst req resp handles the POST request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v). The parameter resp is used to send the response.
val do_put : t ->
JavaServlet.http ->
JavaServlet.http_request -> JavaServlet.http_response -> unit
do_put v inst req resp handles the PUT request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v). The parameter resp is used to send the response.
val do_trace : t ->
JavaServlet.http ->
JavaServlet.http_request -> JavaServlet.http_response -> unit
do_trace v inst req resp handles the TRACE request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v). The parameter resp is used to send the response.
val get_last_modified : t ->
JavaServlet.http -> JavaServlet.http_request -> java_long
get_last_modified v inst req handles the request req through the servlet instance inst (associated to value v), returning the time the underlying information was last modified (in milliseconds since 1970-01-01), or a negative value if the time is unknown.
val destroy : t -> JavaServlet.http -> unit
Called by the servlet container when the servlet is being taken out of service.